(480) 506-6030

Dust-Free Thinset Removal in Scottsdale

Tile removal creates tons of dust, yet if there is one area of your floor that is worse, it will be thinset. It is a thin layer of concrete adhesive, and it won’t move without lots of encouragement.

Here you can learn more about thinset tile removal professionals and how they deal with it.


Thinset Removal with Scottsdale Pros

The hard part is always the thinset removal after the tile has been removed.

Usually, this adhesive is used on a permanent floor that cannot be removed and replaced. There can be a lot of time and effort to decide the best way to proceed with the removal procedure.

Under your tiles, you can find two ways to strip thinset. Either it can be scraped, or it can be ground down. In case you use the scraping process, typically, a power tool is required since few people have the power and energy to remove the thinset stuck to the concrete.


Scraping Thinset from Floors

A Jack Hammer can chip with a chisel, or long blades are the best methods for dealing with thinset.

A diamond grinder is the better alternative if the thinset binds too tightly to the concrete. The problem with grinding is that a lot of dust gets into the air.

There are a few ways to deal with the dust generated by tile and thinset removal besides just sweeping and waiting. The method can be improved by adding moisture.

Wetting the surface keeps the dust mainly under control. Make sure the floor is soaked in water and remains wet for 24 hours before attempting to scrape it up.

This can have mixed results and takes longer. The time water will finish, professional dust-free tile removal experts soak in.


Grind Thinset for Removal

There are special wet grinders for those who want to use a grinder, moistening the area when it is being worked on. As soon as it is made, dust is then mixed with water and does not become airborne.

The biggest drawback of using a wet removal process is that it adds several days to the project as you have to wait until the area is fully dry until the new tile can be placed.

The other way to treat thinned dust is by using a vacuum while working. There are some vacuum fixtures out there for both electrical sanding hammers and grinders, but the only one that can make your job dust-free is a dust-free removal machine.



Finding Professional Thinset Removal Pros in Scottsdale

If you’re using a scraping process to scrape your thinset, there’ll still be a bit of rubble to brush away when you’re finished. Using a chipping hammer is often a little more physically demanding than a grinder, as you have to grip the tool and apply steady pressure to the work area.

If you want to remove your thinset in the simplest way possible, use a dust-free removal machine grinder so that work and cleaning are performed simultaneously as the minimal amount of physical effort.

Kodiak Dustless are the local business of tile removal. We make sure our work is of a very high standard and outstanding. We pride ourselves on providing excellent service to our customers.

If you want to know more, you can Contact Kodiak Dustless or fill in the compact form for a direct reply.

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Benefits of the Dustless Tile Removal

Imagine going to work and coming home to find your project finished and your home cleaner than when you left!